Kate Lionis


When COVID-19 and the lockdown came upon us in March,  2020 my mentor Justin Van den Berg suggested that we do a speed painting to hone in our skills using a medium that i was recently introduced to, Cobra water soluble oils. Every Wednesday and Saturday I would receive a message with the picture and off we went. The only rule was that the painting was to start and finish on the same day. Many lessons were learnt doing this type of painting, especially with oils! I became very mindful where I was going to put the paint! A series of paintings all measuring 42 x 59 cm, all on rolled canvas (except for the first fish... I had not pick up that trick yet!)

A pomegranate on a plate 2020 cobra water solvent oil paint

Speed Painting- Pomegranate on a Plate

Plate with figs  2020 cobra water solvent oil paint

Speed Painting- Figs on a Plate

pot, pear, garlic and lemon on a table impressionist in oils 2020 cobra water solvent oil paint

Speed Painting- Pear and Garlic in oil

a bunch of beetroot on a plate in oils. purples and reds 2020 cobra water solvent oil paint

Speed Painting- Beetroot in oil

two fish in cobra water solvent oil paint 2020

Speed Painting- Fish in oil

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